QST and AC Magnetic Instability QST Testers for analysis of Magnetoresistive Heads (HGAs), Head Stack Assemblies (HSAs), and Drives (HDAs) in F&A, R&D, and Manufacturing environments for the Data Storage Industry,
The QST2002-PLUS Analyzer uses same field proven technology as ISI's entire line of HDD measurement equipment, installed onto our proprietary semi-automated mechanical handler with adaptable top plate. Using ISI's customized toolings, the QST2002-PLUS Analyzer can be flexibly reconfigured for testing either HGAs, HSAs, or HSAs under a variety of test conditions.
The QST2002HF Analyzer uses same field proven technology as ISI's entire line of HDD measurement equipment, installed onto our proprietary semi-automated mechanical handler with adaptable top plate. Using our customized toolings, the QST2002HF Analyzer can be flexibly reconfigured for testing either HGAs or HSAs at extremely high magnetic fields.
The QST2002RT3 Analyzer uses same field proven technology as ISI's entire line of HDD measurement equipment, installed onto a thermally-controlled system that can apply extremely high thermal stress while testing up to 12 HGAs simultaneously.
The RIA-2008 Module accurately measures relative inductance down to 10pH, ideal for characterizing the magnetic performance of the HDD inductive Writer elements and other nano-scale electromagnets by while applying a combination of various I-Bias and multi-directional magnetic fields.
For use on ISI's universal QST2002-PLUS and QST2002HF Analyzers, we offer a vast array of customized top-plate Toolings for interfacing to HDD customer's unique Heads (HGA), Head Stacks (HSA), and Drives (HDA).
For use on ISI's universal QST2002-PLUS Analyzer, we offer optional QuadPole Magnets configurations to apply both High and Side (Longitudinal) magnetic fields for HGA and HSA applications.